- เครดิต
- 18
- สเตตัส
- 16
- เงิน
- 0
- ชื่อเสียง
- 0
- จิตพิสัย
- 3
- โพสต์
- 2
- กระทู้
- 2
- ลงทะเบียน
- 2022-4-8
- ออนไลน์
- 0 ชั่วโมง
- ล่าสุด
- 2022-4-8
- สเตตัส
- 16
- เงิน
- 0
- ชื่อเสียง
- 0
- จิตพิสัย
- 3
- ติดตาม
- 0
โหลด จิ้มเลย
Installation:1. Launcher Configuration
-Open rjdllcreator.exe to generate "rjconnect.dll" this is connector to your server.
put your server ip here.
2. Server configuration
-Download and install your web server
wamp, xampp or nginx and more...
-for wamp inside your "www" folder
-for xampp inside your "htdocs" folder
-for nginx inside your "html" folder
-Copy paste "rjauncher" folder inside "htdocs" and paste it to your
webserver inside your "htdocs".
-Set the configuation by editing "rjsettings.ini" edit with your notepad.
- [settings]
- patchver=10302017
- patchlink=http://rjlauncher/rjpatch/manualpatch.zip
- [launcher]
- muname=RJMU Season 3
- launch=h-main.exe /u127.0.0.1 /p4496
- [links]
- facebook=http://facebook.com
- forum=http://mymuforum.net
- register=sql
- [sql]
- sqldb=MuOnlinesql
- user=sa
- sqlpass=admin123
คัดลอกไปที่คลิปบอร์ด -Edit all to your desired parameters.
Take note: Make MEMB_INFO tables to "null" except memb_guid, memb___id, memb__pwd
for this to work.
-Either your put "sql" to use built in funtions or you can use web functions.
- register=http://myweb.net/register.php
คัดลอกไปที่คลิปบอร์ด 3. Patch checker
-this is so simple it checks the version of the client and players manually download the update patch and patch it by their selves else client/launcher won't allowed it.
-Note: Don't forget inside patch folder "patch.rar" put also "rjlauncher.ini" to it's latest version.
(example:) where the client is:
where the server update patch is:
4. News.html
-Edit "news.html" file as your own design, for your server announcement or etc.
-Have fun :)
RedJun Belen
WebZen - GMU default skin samples
hardo creeds - Encrypter